let us tell you our story

medical missions ministries

Medical Missions Ministries was started in 1987 by Hermann Alb and his wife, Linda, to spread the gospel and plant churches through medical care to the rural poor in Guatemala. Beginning with only an old Toyota Corolla and a handful of medicines, God has blessed this ministry richly. Today, we send 30+ short-term U.S. teams (from 15 U.S. churches/nonprofits) per year to assist in approximately 100 medical clinics through a network of multi-denominational churches.

We have 15 full-time staff in Guatemala and a ministry center that sleeps 50 people. We have started micro-enterprise business training through Business Partners International (“BPI”), teacher/principal education clinics, pastors’ conferences, youth conferences, skills workshops (welding and sewing) and food for the poor programs we have adopted 6 communities where we are giving micronutrients to about 250 women. We are training what we call Health Guardians to teach others in their villages to help prevent sickness. We also partner with churches who come to build homes. We are assisting in mobilizing the Guatemalan church to become a mission-minded church. None of this could have been possible without our amazing team! MMM also
hosts regular on- line ZOOM Pastor training and conducts an annual Pastors conference which over 120 Pastors attend. MMM serves over 150 village communities throughout Guatemala at this time . MMM strives to inspire the church, facilitate outreach opportunities, pray with people, to love, listen, serve and be a witness.


Mobilizing the church to influence communities to experience the transformative love of Christ.


MMM trains and equips Kingdom Influencers to lead and disciple others to walk by the Holy Spirit, worshiping, praying and witnessing.

kingdom purpose

To connect people with the heart of God.


Statement of Beliefs

  • Medical Missions Ministries was born in the heart of God even before the creation of the world and was revealed to Dr. Hermann Alb in 1987.
  • Its name was given because of the nature of the ministry, using medicines to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Medical Missions Ministries equips local churches in marginal areas of Guatemala, facilitating them with tools and opportunities for them to serve their communities, develop relationships with the municipal governments, reach out to them, reconcile them to God and influence them for holistic transformation individually and throughout the community.
  • Medical Missions Ministries has developed strategic partnerships with U.S. churches to participate in the transformation of Guatemala, sending short-term teams that also receive the opportunity to grow in their intimacy with God, be used by God in the natural and the supernatural, and become effective witnesses for Jesus Christ.

1. About God:
We affirm our belief in the only eternal God, Creator and Lord of the world, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,  who governs all things according to the purpose of His will.He has been calling out from the world a people for Himself, and sending them back into the world to be His servants and His witnesses to reconcile others to God for the extension of His kingdom and the building up of Christ’s body and the glory of His name.

2. About Jesus Christ:
Jesus Christ is God;Co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit.He was revealed to man as the Son of God when He came to earth to live a human life without sin, to offer Himself as the Perfect Sacrifice to pay for the sin of men when He died in the cross. (John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”)\• Only His blood shed at the cross can cleanse us from all of our sin.He is the way the truth and the life, the only Savior, and only mediator between God and men.He rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion, to show His power over death and sin. He ascended to heaven and will return again after His gospel has been preached to all the world in power and glory to this earth to reign as the King of kings and Lord of lords.He will baptize His church with the Holy Spirit and with fire. 

3. About the Holy Spirit:
The Holy Spirit is GodCo-equal with the Father and the Son.He is omnipresent; therefore, He is present in the world to convict men of their sin and separation from God;He causes new birth in men as they receive Jesus Christ in their hearts as their Lord and Savior; from that moment He lives in them to assure their salvation, and to let Him have total control of their lives. He gives them gifts and empowers them to be His servants and witnesses to the world in order to reconcile men to God. 

4. About the Bible:
It is the Word of God to all men, both Old and New Testaments.Men who were inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit wrote it.It is the divine resource of truth for believers, and guidance for the Christian life;It is without error in all that it affirms, and the only infallible rule of faith and practice. We also affirm the power of God’s word to accomplish His purpose of salvation.Men are responsible for speaking it. He said, “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

5. About Salvation:
It is a gift of God given by grace to all men who have faith and believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins, rose from the dead, and receive Him in their hearts as their Lord and Savior.Eternal life begins when the believer of Christ’s redeeming sacrifice receives Him in his heart as Lord and Savior.Men who choose not to believe in Christ’s redeeming sacrifice, and choose to live their lives independent and separated from God will be condemned. Though He does not want anyone to perish but to have everlasting life, he will not give His eternal gift to those that do not want it or to those who have rejected it.It is not a reward for our works so that no one can boast about it. 

6. About The Church:
It is formed by those who believe in Him, in the redeeming sacrifice of Christ, and have asked Jesus to come and live in their hearts as their Lord and Savior.God refers to it as His body and His bride.He prayed that His church would be one body as Jesus was one with the father and that the church would be one among themselves so that the world would believe that Jesus was sent by God.God has given His church the great commandment to love Him with all of their heart, soul, mind and with all their strength, and to love their neighbor as themselves.God has given the church the ministry of reconciliation, the Great Commission to go into all people groups to preach the good news of God’s redeeming plan, to make disciples of them, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and to teach them all things that He has commanded. He promised that He will be with the church always.It is the church’s responsibility to live a godly life, to love human kind, to serve them, to communicate the good news with the demonstration of the Spirit and His power that they may be reconciled to God and so that the faith of all men shall not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.Since the church has the mind of Christ and is the carrier of the power of God to influence men of all kinds, to have the mind of Christ to cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, in order to take every thought captive to the obedience of God, it is responsible to live a life according to God’s way and patterns, and it is not supposed to incline itself with any human political system or idea.

7. About Men and Women:
All men and women are made in the image of God.Every person, regardless of race, religion, color, culture, class, sex or age, has been created in the image of God; therefore, every person has an intrinsic dignity and is loved by God the same; because of which he or she should be loved, respected and served, and not exploited especially by His people. Men cannot say they love God whom they do not see if they do not love men whom they see. They cannot say they love men, if they see them in need and do nothing to help them if they have the ability to help.Every man and woman has an equal opportunity to relate to God through Jesus Christ, the only way to God, and is responsible for every decision they make in life, especially about living a life apart from God because the wages of sin is death.

Worship God
Christ centered – Surrendering and loving God, dependence and prayer.

Partnership with the body of Christ in Unity – Unconditional love, harmony and interdependence.

Being teachable and willing to teaching others.

With integrity, excellence, generosity, humbleness, offering hospitality and being a good steward.

Witnessing that leads to heart driven transformation.

our work in pictures

We’ve seen God working in hundreds of lives










Medical Missions Ministries

Medical Clinics

Feeding the Hope

Children’s Ministry

Leadership Training


Medical Missions Ministries has developed a large network with local pastors from the most remote villages of Guatemala. Our team works with these pastors to coordinate each medical clinic. We come prepared with physicians, a dentist, amazing staff and short term mission teams to bring medicine and the message of hope through the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ to the community.

Guatemala has been hit really hard with curfews as a result of the pandemic making it almost impossible for some people to get access to food and other essentials. Through Medical Missions Ministries we have helped hundreds of families by delivering food and everyday essentials in this great time of need.

The children are our future and we need to reach this precious group with the gospel to make the change this world so desperately needs. Our children’s ministry is designed to work hand-in-hand with the medical clinics. During the clinics children from each village are eager to learn why we are there. Each activity is centered around sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through games, songs, plays, arts and crafts, etc…

Annual Pastor’s Conference

We start each year with a Pastors’ conference in January. Last year there were around 75 couples from different churches throughout Guatemala. It is always a powerful time.  We use this time as a training camp to help equip the local church.

Medical Missions Ministry has adopted 4 local villages in Guatemala. These villages receive monthly shipments of vitamins to distribute to women through out their communities. The goal is as these women reach an age where they are ready to start a family their children will reap the benefits of better nutrition as they develop.


Meet our staff

Hermann & Linda Alb

Executive Director​

Ilse Alb

Director of Operations​

Dietrich Alb

Clinic Logistics

Claudia Barrios


Ruth Herrera

Feeding the Hope
Ministry Coordinator

Héctor Higueros


Lesdy Yac


Heidy Mansilla

Children’s Ministry Coordinator

Mario Mesarina


Brenda Muller

Chef & Housekeeping​

Federico & Carmelita Yac

Maintenance & Housekeeping​